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  • Writer's pictureLillaMilla

Updated: Dec 3, 2018

Hey there and welcome to my blog!

The idea behind this project is to give me an outlet for sharing my thoughts as well as my ideas on baking, cooking and crafting. The idea came to me about three years ago when I initially realized the abundance of stuff that I had as well as my reluctance to get rid off any of it, let alone stop buying more of it. I was dead set on this being a problem but also dead set on doing anything about it. But then I figured, I could start a blog and talk with others about how they could change their ways. Well, that idea fell apart pretty quickly since I realized I’d need to change something about my own ways to have anything to contribute.

So here I am, finally after three years making some progress with learning to minimize and live with less. I’m still not nearly at the point to give anyone any legitimate advice on what works and what doesn’t, but I’d like to join the conversation. So welcome to the conversation and joining the process of learning to make as much as possible by hand with me.

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